New Philadelphia, Ohio - The local campus of Kent State University is offering a new scholarship for students majoring in music, theater or art.

The Dorothy B. Lutsch Fine & Performing Arts Memorial Scholarship will promote the development of music and art majors and the appreciation of the arts in our culture. 

The scholarship was created to honor and celebrate the work and dedication of the late Dorothy B.Lutsche, an emeritus professor of music at Kent State University at Tuscarawas.

Lutsch graduated from Kent State University in 1964 with a Master of Education from the College of Education, Health and Human Services. Lutsch was known for her love of music, the arts and education and is also remembered for creating the campus' annual Renaissance Festival to celebrate art and literature under the influence of classical models in the 14th–16th centuries. She was also active with Trumpet in the Land and her local church choirs and frequently lectured on Moravian history. 

For more information on the scholarship or to contribute to the fund, contact Chad Conrad, director of advancement at the Kent State Tuscarawas campus, at 330-308-7445 or