The Dennison Fire Department is accepting school supplies now through August 17th to help stock the classrooms at Claymont and Immaculate. (Dennison Fire Department)

DENNISON (Tusco TV) - Village firefighters are asking the community to help them make sure Twin City students and teachers have what they need to be successful as they prepare to head back to school.

Fire Chief Dave McConnell says they’re collecting school supplies at the station to help stock the classrooms at Claymont and Immaculate Conception. 

"We do it for all grade levels. We mainly try to focus on the basics that everybody, all the children usually need, notebooks, filler paper, pencils, crayons, glue, erasers, rulers, just the basic school supplies, the folders, the three-ring binders, that kind of stuff that the kids are always in need of," he says. 

McConnell says they’ll be loading the donations into their rescue engine this Saturday from 10 am to noon on August 17th. He says people can bring their donations to the fire station at 302 Grant St. that day or anytime before that. 

"That weekend, we will sort through everything and the following week, probably the middle of the week by the time we get through everything, we’ll take it to all the schools and drop it off," he says.

McConnell says donations drop-off hours are daily from 8 am to 11 pm, but he says people can give them a call to have their items picked up if they’re not able to get to the station.